(Revised February 27, 2018)
Fishing, Hunting, & Recreation Regulations
Permits & Licenses can be purchased at:
Four Seasons Market
Monday – Sunday 6am to 9pm
4058 US-95, Schurz, NV 89427
Phone: (775) 773-2588
Fishing, Hunting, & Recreation (Day Use, Camping, ATV, Boating) Regulations
WRPT: means the Walker River Paiute Tribe.
Tribe: means the Walker River Paiute Tribe.
Reservation: means the area within the exterior boundaries of the Walker River Paiute Reservation.
Allotted land (allotments): is defined as property within the Reservation that was allotted by the Dawes Act and is held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the Tribe or individual Indians and as such is considered individually owned property (private.)
All Terrain Vehicles (ATV): means any motorized vehicle designed for or capable to travel over unimproved terrain. Includes but is not limited to; motorcycles, three-wheelers, quad runners, four -wheelers and dune buggies.
Authorized Officer: means a WRPT officer or official authorized to enforce regulations related to hunting, fishing, boating, camping or other recreation activities on the Reservation.
Bag Limit: means the daily limit in the amount of each species of game or fish which may be taken by any one person.
Bait: means the flesh, fur, hide, viscera or feathers of any animal.
Closed Area: means any area within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation that is closed for fishing, hunting, trapping or access without written permission from the Tribe or landowner.
Closed Season: means the period of time during which the taking of regulated fish or game is prohibited.
Closed Waters: means any lake, river, stream, body of water or any part thereof within the Reservation described or designated wherein it shall be unlawful to operate a boat or fish.
Community Member: is defined as an individual other than a tribal member, who resides within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation.
Crossbow: means a weapon consisting of a bow fixed crosswise on a stock.
Endangered Species: means and species so designated by this chapter and which the USFWS has determined is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.
Exposed Bait: means bait, any portion which is visible from any angle.
Fee Land: is defined as property within the Reservation that was originally allotted by the Dawes Act but is not held in trust for the individual owner.
Firearm: means a weapon such as a pistol, shotgun or rifle capable of firing a bullet or other projectile.
Fishing: means any effort to take fish out of the waters on the Reservation.
Gill Net: means a net of single web construction attached at the top by a float line and at the bottom by a weight line designed to entrap fish in the net.
Hunt or Hunting: means to take or pursue any animal by any means (except and including those prohibited by this ordinance.)
Immediate Family: means those family members that have a definitive connection to a Tribal Member including: spouse, son, daughter, father, mother, sister, brother or grandchild.
Loaded Firearm: means any such weapon having a round of ammunition in the chamber.
Member: means a person who is dually enrolled in the Walker River Paiute Tribe.
Non-Member: means any person not enrolled in a federally recognized tribe.
Nocturnal Species: means those wildlife species which are most active during night hours.
Open Area: means any area within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation that is nor designated as a closed area.
Open Season: mean the period of time during which the taking of fish and wildlife is permitted by this chapter or rules and regulations promulgated to this chapter
Open Waters: means any waters within the boundaries of the Reservation not designated as closed waters.
Permit: means a document issued by the WRPT which authorizes the person to whom it is issued to participate in the activities specified in accordance with the rule and regulations established herein.
Person: means a natural being, and unless otherwise appears from the context include Tribal members, Non-member Indians and Non-Indians as defined elsewhere in this section.
Possession: means the actual or constructive custody of and control over a thing.
Possession Limit: means the amount of each species of game or fish in which a person may have in their possession at any given time.
Posted Areas: means areas (Tribal and private property) that have signs that state “No Trespassing, Hunting or Fishing,” “No Trespassing,” “No Hunting,” “No Fishing” and such signs that are visibly posted on private boundaries. Access to these areas is restricted without the written permission by property owner and violators may be cited for trespassing.
Proper Identification: means a document issued by the proper authority that properly identifies the individual. The following documents shall be provided when requested by an authorized officer as means of identification.
The Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) of the Walker River Paiute Tribe is the centralized reference point of contact for assistance in seeking employment within and outside of the Walker River Paiute reservation. TERO services tribal members and community members with job aid assistance, trainings, financial aid, and other additional resources related to employment opportunities. (Check TERO Ordinance)
Tribal Member:Â a WRPT membership card.
Non-member Indian:Â a valid identification card issued by the tribe in which the said person is enrolled or Certificate of Degree of Indian blood issued by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Non-Indian:Â a valid picture identification card (e.g. Drivers License) issued by the state in which the person resides.
Public Highways:Â means all roadways open to the public for vehicular travel.
Restricted Area:Â means that area within 100 foot radius of any beach frequented by swimmers or waders or any person engaged in the act of wading, fishing, swimming, or wearing personal flotation device.
Rifle:Â means a shoulder weapon with a rifled bore.
Shotgun:Â means a smooth bore shoulder weapon for firing shots or slugs.
Take:Â shall mean any effort to kill, capture, harm, shoot, wound, collect, hunt, pursue, or trap fish or wildlife in the waters or on the land of the Reservation.
Threatened Species:Â means any species designated as such by this chapter or which as determined by the USFWS is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.
Trap or Trapping:Â shall mean any effort to take wildlife with a trap, net, snare or other device used for the purpose of capture in the waters or the lands of the Reservation.
Tribal Fish & Game Commission: means a commission established by the Tribe to develop regulations and recommendations to the Tribal Council for the governance of recreation, fishing, and hunting on the Reservation.
Trespass:Â means to enter unlawfully upon Trust land or private property located within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation.
Trust Land(s):Â means those lands of the Reservation which are held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the Tribe, and individual or group of individuals, and which are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States and the Tribe.
Waste:Â means the abandonment of or deterioration of those portions of fish or game normally utilized for human consumption.
Section 10: PERMITS/ FEES
8.10.1 PERMITS REQUIRED: No Non-member of the Tribe, unless designated as immediate family may camp boat, fish, hunt, or otherwise recreate within the designated boundaries of the Reservation without first procuring a WRPT Recreation, Camping, Fishing, or Hunting Permit (hereinafter referred to as permit) and complying with all Permit requirements and restrictions.
8.10.2 NON-TRIBAL MEMBERS: All non-Tribal members, except as set forth at 8.10.4 below 12 year old age or older must have in their possession a valid Tribal permit to fish or hunt in open waters or areas within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation. Non-Tribal members under twelve (12) years can fish with no charge with an adult who posses a current valid Tribal fishing permit.
8.10.3 TRIBAL MEMBERS: All Tribal members over 12 years of age fishing on the Reservation must have in their possession and on their person while fishing or hunting either a validly issued and authorized Tribal Membership Identification card.
8.10.4 SPOUSES, IMMEDIATE FAMILY, COMMUNITY MEMBERS: a Non-Tribal member married to a Tribal Member or considered immediate family or resident of the community for at least a year may apply for a complimentary Tribal Fishing/Hunting Permit. If no Tribal Fishing/Hunting permit is obtained, a non-Tribal member married to a Tribal Member, immediate family or resident of the community for at least a year, shall be subject to the same regulations as a govern other non-Tribal members.
8.10.5 PERMIT NON-TRANSFERABLE: Identification of Permit Holder. Tribal Permits shall be non- transferable. Any non-member camping, boating fishing, hunting, utilizing, day use site, or operating an ATV/MC shall, upon demand of any authorized Tribal Official, exhibit his Permit or other identification as required by this Regulation.
8.10.6 LOST OR STOLEN PERMITS: The Tribe shall not be responsible for lost or stolen permits.
Persons whose permits are lost or stolen must, at their own expense, obtain a new permit and
PERMIT. For purpose of section 8.10.1 above, it shall not be a valid defense for failing to have
a permit in possession that the permit was lost or stolen.
8.10.7 DAY USE FEES: Fees for using reservation land and lake for recreation shall be:
Daily….$5 3 Day….$10 Season….$25
Day Use Permits are valid from sunrise to sunset. Permits are required for every vehicle at site.
8.10.8 CAMPING FEES: Camping permit fees shall be:
Daily….$10 3 Day….$20 Season….$70
Camping permits are valid from noon-noon. Permits are required for ever vehicle at campsite.
8.10.9 ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES/MOTORCYCLES (ATV/MC): ATV/MC permits are required to operate each Individual ATV or MC within the designated areas of the reservation. Fees shall be:
Day….$25 Season…..$75
8.10.10 BOATING: All boats shall be required to obtain a permit to operate on designated waters between the
Little Dam and the Steel Bridge. Fees shall be:
Daily….$15 Season….$50
Boats shall operate in a manner considered “wake-less” with a max speed of 10 MPH,
Maximum horsepower allowed to OPERATE on Weber Dam shall be 10 HP (a boat with a motor larger than 10 HP must have a smaller trolling motor to operate on Weber Dam.)
8.10.11 FISHING: Permits are required by Non-Tribal members to fish in the waters located on the Reservation. Fishing season is established by the Tribal Fish and Game Commission. Youth Permits are available for those from 12-15 years of age. Fees shall be:
Adult Daily….$8 Adult 3 Day….$16 Adult Season….$35
Youth….$5 Youth 3 Day….$10 Youth Seasonal….$20
Native American Senior (over 65)….EXEMPT
Second Rod….$5 per permit
8.10.12 HUNTING: Permits are required by non-Indian Tribal Members to hunt within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation. Hunting seasons will be designated by the Tribal Fish & Game Commission on an annual basis and shall be established no later than August 1 of each year. Youth Permits are available for those between 12-16 years of age. Fees shall be:
Adult Daily….$50 Adult Season….$200
Youth Daily….$30 Youth Season….$50
- General Hunting Permit – For persons 16 years or older.
- Season $200
- Daily $50
- Youth Hunting Permit – For persons under 16 years of age at time of purchase. (Parent/Legal Guardian signature required)
- Season $100
- Daily $30
- Non-Member Native American Hunters – For persons that are issued an enrollment card from a Federally Recognized Tribe.
- Adult Season $100
- Adult Daily $45
- Youth Season $50
- Youth Daily $25
- Conservation Fee $20
- Boat Use Permit – Regulations: Must be legally equipped according to State Safety Standards.
- Season $50
- Daily $15
All persons wishing to use the Walker River Paiute Reservation must be positive in
8.20.1 No person may build, light, use or maintain a fire within the designated recreation areas except in a camp stove, pit or fireplace or in a portable camp stoves and lanterns.
8.20.2 No person may leave the Reservation before extinguishing any fire which he has built, lighted or maintained, nor may any persons leave a fire unattended within the Reservation. Children under the age of ten years shall not be allowed to build or tend a fire without adult supervision.
8.20.3 In instances of extreme fire danger, as determined by the Tribal Council, warnings will be posted.
If notices are posted, follow the instructions on posted signs.
8.20.4 It shall be illegal to burn tires or refuse.
8.20.5 No noisy, vicious or dangerous animals of any kind are allowed in Permitted Areas. What constitutes
a noisy, vicious or dangerous animal will be determined by authorized Tribal Officer.
8.20.6 It is unlawful to tamper with animal control devices.
8.20.7 The Tribal Council, may upon proper posting, prohibit animals in curtain areas of the Reservation.
8.20.8 DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply.
RUNNING AT LARGE: Means to be off the premises of the owner and not under control of the owner or authorized person over 12 years of age, by leash, but an animal within an automobile or other vehicle of the owner shall be deemed to be put upon the owner’s premises.
VICIOUS DOG: Means any dog that inflicts unprovoked bites or attacks human on beings or other animals, any dog which in a vicious or terrorizing manner, or approaches any person in apparent attitude of attack upon the streets, sidewalks or any public grounds or places within the Reservation. A vicious dog does not include a dog that attacks or bites any person who is unlawfully on the premises of the owner or keeper of the dog, or a dog which attacks or bites in self-defense, or provoked to attack or bite.
BITE: Means a puncture or tear of the skin inflicted by the teeth of an animal.
8.20.9 Dogs must be on a leash at all times or under strict control by owner. Owner shall be liable for any
damaged caused by dogs or any other pet.
8.20.10 No Non-member may willfully or negligently pick, dig up, cut, mutilate, destroy, injure, disturb, move, molest, burn, or carry away any tree, plant or portion thereof including and not limited to foliage, flowers, berries, fruits, grass, turf, humus, or shrubs, and other flora or fauna.
8.20.11 All persons are prohibited from excavating, destroying, injuring or defacing, any historic or cultural site. No natural materials can be removed from Tribal Lands. Such acts are a violation of Tribal and Federal law. (Federal and Tribal permits must be given for any archaeological of biological research.)
8.20.12 No person may excavate, remove, damage, or otherwise alter or deface any archaeological resource located on the Reservation unless such activity unless such activity is with the Tribal Council’s prior written consent and, if applicable, pursuant, to a federally issued permit. “Archaeological Resources” shall include, but not limited, to those items identified as such in the Federal Archaeological Resources Protection Act, 16 U.S.C. 470bb (I) and its implementing Regulations.
8.20.13 No person may disturb, destroy, remove, deface or injure any property on the Reservation.
8.20.14 No person may cut, carve, paint, mark, paste or fasten on any trees, fence, wall, building, monument or other property on the Reservation any mark, bill advertisement, or inscription without permission from the Tribal Council.
No person may leave, deposit, drop or scatter bottles, broken glass, ashes, wastepaper, can or other rubbish on the Reservation, except in a receptacle designated for that purpose.
No person may import any rubbish into, or deposit any rubbish into, or deposit any rubbish onto, the Reservation from other places.
No person may deposit waste, water, sewage, or effluent from sinks, portable toilets or other plumbing fixtures directly into or on to the surface of the ground or waters of the Reservation, except in designated areas.
8.20.16 No person may posses/use glass containers on the beach or recreation area.
8.20.17 The Tribal Council may establish opening and closing hours for Tribal Land; Land
closing time shall be posted in a conspicuous place at each Tribal park.
8.20.18 No person, except Tribal employees or Law Enforcement officer on official
business, may enter or be present in any Tribal Park during closed hours or in designated closed areas.
8.20.19 Persons using or camping in closed areas shall be guilty of trespassing.
8.20.20 No person shall discharge a firearm in the areas designated for day use, camping,
boating or fishing.
8.20.21 The area located from the Boy Scout Camp to Beach 1 which includes the lower basin
of Weber Reservoir shall be closed to hunting or firearm discharge at all times.
The Tribal Council may set a curfew for all persons under 18 years of age on any lake shore
area, beach in Tribal Parks, or within recreation areas upon finding that conditions therein are
such as to warrant special measures for the protection of juveniles and others, and the safety and
welfare of the general public. The established curfew hours are:
- 10:00pm to 6:00am for persons under 12 years of age.
- 11:00pm to 6:00am for persons 12-16 years of age.
- 12:00pm to 6:00am for persons 16-18 years of age.
- When a curfew has been set, no person under 18 years of age may, during the curfew period, remain or be in the location under the curfew unless he is: (a) Accompanied by his parent or guardian; (b) Part of a group permitted to occupy the area and is supervised by at least one responsible adult per 15 juveniles.
8.20.22 No person may operate any motor vehicle or ATV off established roads or trails.
8.20.23 No person may drive a vehicle, ATV, or motorcycle or bike within the Reservation at a
speed that is greater or reasonable or prudent, having due regard for the traffic on the
surface and width of the road, and other conditions that effect driving.
8.20.24 No person may drive a vehicle or ATV on Tribal Lands at a speed greater than 10 MPH in camping or recreation areas except where otherwise posted.
8.20.25 No person may drive, tow, ride or park any automobile, truck trailer, bicycle, motor bike
or other vehicle on Tribal Lands except on roads and parking areas provided for such
8.20.26 No non-Tribal member may operate, two, three four wheelers (ATV) within the
boundaries of the Reservation without a valid permit.
8.20.27 No ATVs shall be operated on the beach areas.
8.20.28 In order to afford the general public the greatest possible use of all Tribal Lands,
no person may camp continually in any Tribal park for more than 30 consecutive
8.20.29 Camping permits shall be valid from noon to noon from the date issued.
8.20.30 Campsites are available on a first come basis. There is no reservation system for
8.20.31 No person may take possession or maintain possession of a campsite when he has
been informed by an authorized Tribal Officer that the site is occupied.
8.20.32 It is recommended that campsite must be located at least 25 feet from Reservoir shore.
8.20.33 No person shall disrobe or willfully publicly display nudity.
8.20.34 Special events are activities which are not normally conducted on the Reservation. They
generally are supervised activities involving a greater number of participants or
8.20.35 The Tribal council may approve and issue a permit for any special event when it is
Conducted by a sponsoring agency under conditions approved by the
Tribal Council.
8.20.36 It shall be unlawful for any person to transport or introduce any fish, fish fry, aquatic
plant, or any Aquatic Invasive Species in any waters within the exterior boundaries
of the Reservation, or to release any mammals, amphibians, reptiles, or birds on any
land within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation.
8.20.37 It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse or fail to answer all questions relating to
fishing activity on the waters of the Reservation asked by any person:
Authorized by the Tribal Council to enforce the provisions of the Walker River Paiute
Tribe Fishing Ordinance and these regulations; or
Authorized by the Tribal Council to engage in scientific research, propagation of fish and the stocking of Reservation water therewith.
8.20.38 Any person who enters or remains on the Reservation in violation of any provision
contained in this code or violation of any permit issued or ruled adopted by the Tribal
Council shall be deemed to have committed a civil or criminal violation and shall be liable for damages as provided herein.
8.20.39 Violations Of Other Regulations: It shall constitute a violation of this code for any
person to violate any regulation or resolution of the Tribal Council now in effect or
hereafter promulgated pertaining to occupancy on the Reservation.
8.30.1 PERMIT REQUIRED For all boats operating in “open waters” on the
8.30.2 NON-TRIBAL MEMBERS. All non-Tribal members must have in their possession
while operating a boat on the waters of the Reservation a valid Tribal Boating Permit.
The Tribal Boating Permit is non-transferable. Furthermore, any boat having a season
permit, operated on the waters of the Reservation must have a valid Tribal Boating
Permit decal or sticker affixed to the boat hull next to or adjacent to the boats
registration number, if any, or, in the absence of registration numbers, affixed to the
boat hull in the location where such registration numbers are normally placed.
8.30.3 TRIBAL MEMBERS. Tribal members who wish to operate a boat on the waters of the
Reservation shall obtain a Boating Permit at no charge by presenting to the person
issuing Boat Permits such members validly issued and authorized Tribal Membership
Identification Card, or other satisfactory proof of Tribal Membership, and upon such
presentation, a Boating Permit, and/or boating permit decal or sticker shall be issued to
such Tribal Member.
8.30.4 MAXIMUM BOAT LENGTH allowed on Weber Reservoir is 20 feet from bow to
8.30.5 MAXIMUM HORSEPOWER allowed is 10 hp when operating a boat on open waters.
8.30.6 MAXIMUM SPEED allowed on Weber Reservoir is 10 MPH. Speed shall be
maintained that are considered “wake-less.”
8.30.7 MINIMUM AGE to operate a a boat without an accompanying adult, is 16 years old.
8.30.8 RESTRICTED AREAS include those beaches and areas where swimmers are present
and shall be avoided by boats.
8.30.9 JET-SKIS/WATER SKIING are prohibited on Weber Dam.
8.30.10 LIGHTS. All boats operating between sunset and sunrise shall be required to exhibit
lights that are visible for a minimum distance of 200 feet.
8.30.11 PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICE (PDF)/ LIFE JACKETS. All boats shall carry
at least one life preserver, or life belt, or ring buoy, or other device of the sort as may
hereafter be prescribed by the Council, for each person on board, so placed as to be
readily accessible.
8.30.12 FIRE EXTINGUISHER. For all boats, with gasoline motors it is required that a fire
extinguisher be on board at all times and kept in condition for immediate and effective
use and shall be placed as to be readily accessible.
8.30.13 It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any boat on the waters of the Reservation
under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance.
8.30.14 It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any boat or permit any other person to
operate any boat owned by such person on the waters of the Reservation which boat
is known to be loaded with passengers or cargo beyond the maximum allowable weight
capacity, taking into consideration weather and operating conditions.
8.30.15 It shall be unlawful for any person to anchor any boat in such position as to obstruct a
passageway ordinarily used by other boats, or in any closed waters or restricted areas.
8.30.16 It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any boat or vessel contaminated with
Aquatic Invasive Species on the waters of the Reservation.
8.30.17 All watercraft motorized, and non-motorized, including but not limited to boats, personal
watercraft, kayaks, canoes and rafts, may be subject to an inspection prior to launching
into the waters of the Reservation to detect the presence, and prevent the introduction of
Aquatic Invasive Species.
8.40.1 FISHING SEASON shall be from March 1- Oct 5 of each year.
8.40.2 FISHING HOURS shall be anytime of the day or night.
8.40.3 It shall be illegal for any non-Tribal member except where expressly permitted, to
fish from or in any of the waters of the Reservation for any fish with seine, net, spear
set-hooks, grab-hooks, trot-line, or snag-line, or in any manner known as snagging or
with any wire-fence, trap or any other manner other that the act of fishing with legal
tackle for person use and not for barter sale.
8.40.4 Only one combination of rod, line and not more than two hooks shall be used at a time
and equipment shall be closely attended by such person while fishing unless a second
rod permit is purchased.
8.40.5 Bag limits for Weber Reservoir and Walker River are:
- Five (5) trout- any size
- Four (4) largemouth bass-12 inches or bigger
- Five (5) channel catfish- 12 inches or bigger
- Five(5) crappie – 9 inches or bigger
- Bull head catfish- no limit (size or number)
- Common Carp – no limit (size or number)
SECTION 50: HUNTING (for those requiring permits)
8.50.1 HUNTING SEASON shall be set by the Tribal Council with the recommendations
from the Tribal Fish & Game Commission. The recommendations from the
Commission shall be be set by August 1 of each year and the Tribal Council shall
set seasons at the regular Tribal Council meeting in August.
8.50.2 HUNTING HOURS shall be from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Lake Pasture – Area from the feedlot to the southern Reservation boundary.
Campbell Valley – Area north of Weber Dam to Stanley ranch (western boundary).
8.50.4 CLOSED AREAS shall include all areas of the Reservation not listed in 8.50.3.
Tribal permits and necessary stamps must be carried by regulated hunters at all times when hunting on the Reservation.
A Federal Migratory Game Bird Hunting Stamp is required for all those hunting migratory water fowl (duck, merganser ,geese, and swans).
Nevada hunting license is NOT required to hunt on the Reservation.
Nevada Duck Stamp is Not required to hunt migratory birds on the Reservation.
Tribal permits are NOT transferable.
8.50.6 REGULATED SPECIES shall include water fowl (duck, geese, merganser, coots, snipe, pygmy,
moorhens,) upland game birds (mourning dove, quail, chuckar) and small furbearers (cottontail,
pygmy, and white-tailed rabbits)
8.50.7 BIG GAME SPECIES (deer antelope, bighorn sheep, elk) are not to be hunted by non-Tribal
members on The Reservation.
8.50.8 PERMITTED WEAPONS shall include shotgun and only shot is authorized. Non-toxic shot is
required for hunting of ducks, merganser, geese, swans, coots, moorhens, and snipe. Lead shot
is allowed in the hunting of other upland game birds. Rifles, pistols, or slugs are
NOT allowed. A loaded weapon shall not be carried in a vehicle.
allowed within the open designated areas.
8.50.10 GAME LIMITS & SEASONS are based on the current Nevada Department of Wildlife
seasons and limits. Also, set and regulated by The Tribal Fish & Game Commission and
Tribal Council.
8.50.11 A Tribal Fish & Game Commission (Commission) was established to provide guidance
and recommendations to the Tribal Council regarding the following issues:
- Fishing and hunting seasons
- Fish and game harvest limits
- Permit fees
- Development, review and implementation of regulations relating to fishing, hunting, and the recreational issues.
8.50.12 The Commission shall consist of five (5) members who shall serve four year terms. The
terms shall be staggered with two (2) members serving the two year term and the
remaining three (3) members serving an initial term of four years. The commission
was established on December 8, 2011.
8.50.13 Possession of wildlife after end of open season;
It is prohibited for any person to have in his or her control any wildlife or any part thereof, the killing of which is at any time prohibited, during the time when such killing is prohibited, and the possession of such wildlife shall be prima facie evidence that it was the property of the Walker River Paiute Tribe at the time it was caught, taken or killed on the Walker River Paiute Reservation when the killing was unlawful, and that such taking or killing occurred in the closed season.
8.50.14 Baiting Waterfowl
You cannot hunt waterfowl by the aid of baiting or on or over any baited area where you know or reasonably should know that the area is or has been baited. Baiting is the direct or indirect placing, exposing, depositing, distributing, or scattering of salt, grain, or other feed that could lure or attract waterfowl to, on, or over any areas where hunters are attempting to take them. A baited area is any area on which salt, grain, or other feed has been placed, exposed, deposited, distributed, or scattered, if that salt, grain, or feed could serve as a lure or attraction for waterfowl.
The 10-Day Rule:
A baited area remains off limits to hunting for 10 days after all salt, grain, or other feed has been completely removed. This rule recognizes that waterfowl will still be attracted to the same area even after the bait is gone.
8.60.1 Any person who violates any provision of the Tribes hunting, fishing, camping, boating, day
use or recreation regulations shall be subject to a civil fine for each such offense, and shall be
required to pay a fine not less than posted fine schedule and no more than $5,000.00 for each such offense.
8.60.2 All Tribal police Officers, Conservation Officer(s) or Federal Law Enforcement Officers
are herewith granted the authority to enforce the provisions of these regulations, and shall
be referred to hereafter as “authorized” officers.
8.60.3 Any authorized officer may in carrying out the intent an purpose of these regulations:
(a) Execute citations or summons issued for the detention of persons acting in the
contravention of these regulations;
(b) Serve subpoenas or other legal documents issued for the detention issued in matters
arising under these regulations.
(c) Lawfully detain and search any camp or vehicle of any kind whenever they have
reasonable cause to believe that any provision of these regulations has been or is
being violated.
(d) Lawfully halt or stop and detain any vehicle whenever they have reasonable cause to
believe that any of these regulations has been or being violated;
(e) Lawfully detain any person violating these regulations and in the discretion of the
Officer, either to give such person a notice to appear or take such person without
unnecessary delay before the Tribal Judge;
(f) Lawfully seize and impound without damage any equipment, which equipment can be
removed from the camp to which it is attached or on to which it was transported, carried
or used, when the officer has reasonable cause to believe that its possession or use of
is in violation of any section of these regulations or regulations promulgated pursuant
thereto. This section does not limit any power of seizure pursuant to a warrant;
(g) Retain Custody of and provide for the safekeeping of anything seized as provided in this
Section until final determination of any matter arising from the violation or alleged violation
with respect to which the are evidence. For the purpose of this Section, forfeiture of a
property bond shall be deemed to be termination of the matter.
8.60.4 If an authorized officer determines that a person has caused damage to a Tribal resource
protected herein or otherwise acted in violation of these regulations promulgated pursuant
hereto, such officer shall issue to the damaging or violating party a “Notice to appear” in the
form of a citation or summons to respond to the alleged violations. Suspected violators or
damage contributers shall sign the “Notice to Appear” and shall be escorted off the Reservation
and released, pending a hearing and at the time and place stated in the Notice. In the event of a
person who is subject of service of a “Notice to Appear” shall refuse to sign same, the serving
officer shall make note of the attempted service and the service shall be presumed to have
been made.
8.60.5 Non-members issued a “Notice to Appear” shall post with the Tribal Court a property or cash
bond to assure such non-member’s appearance before the Tribal court. The bond posted shall be
of equal or greater value that the damages which may be due the Tribe should the person cited
be found to have acted in contravention or outside the scope of these regulations or rules and
regulations promulgated pursuant hereto.
8.60.6 Action on Bond
In the event a non-member shall fail to appear in response issued “Notice to Appear,” the Tribal
Council may move the court to have such bond declared the property of the Tribe. It such bond becomes the property of the Tribe under court order, all damage amounts due and owing shall
be deemed paid.
8.60.7 Civil Contempt. All persons party to actions brought under these regulations, shall be subject to
the civil contempt power of the Tribal Court, and may be sanctioned by any means provided for
in the Walker River Paiute Tribal Law and Order Code for civil contempt, including but not
limited to detention to compel compliance with a lawful court order.
8.60.8 Trespassing. Violation of these regulations by non-Tribal members of the Tribe automatically
revokes any priory granted permission to enter the Reservation and renders the violator a
trespasser, subject to removal from the Reservation.
8.60.9 Exclusion. Nothing in these regulations shall be deemed to preclude the use of the remedy of
exclusion of non-member for violation of these regulations under the Walker River Paiute
Tribal Law and Order Code, and any authorized officer may initiate by Petition the procedures
provided by the Tribal Law and Order Code for exclusion in addition to or in lieu of any other
enforcement procedures provided for by these regulations.
8.60.10 Levy against Property. In the event a person violating these regulations shall fail to comply
with an issued “Notice to Appear,” fail to depart the Reservation upon a finding of exclusion
commit a trespass, or fail to comply with an order of the Tribal Court for civil contempt,
nothing herein shall preclude the Tribal Court from placing a lien on such person’s on-
Reservation property in lieu of sums owed the Tribe and to assure the offending party’s
compliance with these regulations.
8.60.11 Forfeiture of Camping Permit. The third time any non-member shall be found to have
violated any provision of these regulations or regulations made pursuant thereto in any five-year
period, and upon a finding there there has been a violation subsequent to the three violations
during such five-year period, the WRPT Police Chief may recommend to the Tribal Council,
that such non-member be excluded from entering the Reservation for a period not to exceed
three years from the date of the last violation and any camping permit issued to such non-
member the last violation and no camping permit shall be issued to such person during such
period of exclusion. For purposes of this section, forfeiture of a property bond shall constitute
a violation.
8.60.12 18 USC 1165. Nothing in these regulations shall be deemed to preclude the Federal
Prosecution under 18 USC 1165 of any non-member who trespasses on the
Reservation. Any authorized officer may initiate such and action by filing a complaint
in Federal Court.
8.60.13 18 USC 1163. These regulations have been enacted to protect the Tribe, its resources and
its members, and the taking or using of Tribal property and services contrary to the terms of
these regulations constitutes theft of the Tribal assets. Nothing in these regulations shall be
deemed to preclude Federal prosecution of violators under 18 US 1163 for theft of Tribal Trust
assets. Any authorized officer may follow the procedures provided to initiate Federal
prosecution in addition to or in lieu of any other enforcement procedure provided by these
Section 7: Trapping (for those requiring permits)
8.70.1 Trapping is permitted: to any small furbearing mammals and feral cats;
8.70.2 Trap size: shall have a jaw spread of no greater than 7 1/2” and traps over 4 1/2” must have lugs, spacers or similar devices permanently attached as to maintain a minimum trap opening of three sixteenths (3/16”) of an inch .
8.70.3 Trap Identification: Traps must be identified with name and address of owner or have a Nevada trap ID located in a visible area
8.70.4 Use of Bait: exposed bait, food or use any part of a mammal, bird, fish, amphibian or protected species of wildlife for bait is prohibited.
8.70.5 Trapping sets: must be a ½ mile away from any residence or Weber Reservoir, Dam, spillways, flumes and fish ladder; traps will be set no less than 60 feet from any graded or paved road.
8.70.6 Minimum Visitation of Traps: All traps must be checked once every 96 hours.
8.70.7 Stealing or Tampering of Traps: Traps or contents of traps belonging to another shall not be disturbed or taken by others.
8.70.8 Unauthorized Animals: Any animal, raptor (including hawk, eagle, owl) or another animal not authorized to be trapped shall be released. Any dead or injured unauthorized animals should be immediately reported and turned in to the Tribal Conservation Officer or Walker River Tribal Police Department.
8.70.9 Disposing of carcasses: Carcasses shall be disposed of properly after skinning, all carcasses need to be at least 100 yards away from any public road.
(Schedule is set for MANDATORY MINIMUM FINE)
8.10.1 – Unauthorized day use – $50.00
8.10.1 – Unauthorized camping – $100.00
8.10.1 – Unauthorized ATV/MC use – $50.00
8.10.1 – Unauthorized boating – $50.00
8.10.1 – Unauthorized fishing – $50.00
8.10.1 – Unauthorized hunting – $500.00
8.20.1 – Unauthorized fires – $50.00
8.20.5 – Unauthorized animal control – $50.00
8.20.6 – Tampering with animal control device – $50.00
8.20.8 – Dog running at large – $75.00
8.20.9 – Dog not on leash or under strict control – $50.00
8.20.10 – Plant disturbance or harm – $50.00
8.20.11 – Unauthorized excavation or disturbing features on historic sites – $250.00-5,000
8.2013 – Unauthorized property defacement – $100.00-500.00
8.20.16 – Unauthorized glass container in beach area – $50.00 per container
8.20.20 – Unauthorized discharge of firearm – $100.00-250.00
8.20.22 – Operating vehicle/ATV off established roads or authorized area – $50.00
8.20.23 – Excessive speed or operating vehicle/ATV at unsafe speed – $50.00-100.00
8.20.33 – Public nudity – $50.00
8.20.34 – Unauthorized special event – $100.00-250.00
8.20.36 – Unauthorized release of animals – $50.00-250.00
8.20.37 – Failure to complete creel census – $50.00
8.30.4 – Operating a boat on Weber Reservoir greater than 20ft in length – $50.00
8.30.5 – Operating a boat on Weber Reservoir greater than 10 HP – $50.00
8.30.6 – Operating a boat on Weber Reservoir greater than 10 MPH – $50.00
8.30.7 – Operating a boat on Weber Dam while less than 16y/o w/o adult – $50.00
8.30.8 – Unsafe operation of boat in restricted area (swimming) – $50.00
8.30.9 – Unauthorized operation of jet ski or water skiing on Weber – $50.00
8.30.10 – Operation of boat w/o lights after dark – $50.00
8.30.11 – Operation of boat w/o proper number of life jackets or PFD – $50.00
8.30.12 – Fire extinguisher – $50.00
8.30.13 – Operation of boat under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs – $600.00-1,000
8.30.14 – Unsafe operation of boat overloading – $50.00
8.30.15 – Obstruction of passageway – $50.00
8.30.16 – Operation of contaminated boat (invasive species) on Tribal waters – $100.00
8.40.1 – Fishing during closed season – $50.00
8.40.3 – Fishing with illegal equipment – $50.00
8.40.4 – Fishing with more than one rod (w/o second rod permit) – $50.00
8.40.5 – Violation of bag size or limits – $50.00
8.50.1 – Hunting during closed season – $100.00
8.50.2 – Hunting during non-designated hunting hours – $50.00
8.50.3 – Hunting in a closed area – $100.00
8.50.7 – Harvesting unauthorized species – $100.00
8.50.8 – Hunting with unauthorized weapon/shell or bullet – $50.00
8.50.9 – Construction of permanent blind or structure – $100.00
8.50.10 – Unlawful harvest of regulated birds or game – $100.00
8.50.13 – Possession of wildlife after end of open season – $200.00-1,000.00
8.50.14 – Baiting Waterfowl – $100.00
8.70.4 – Use of bait – $100.00
8.70.5 – Trap sets – $100.00
8.70.7 – Stealing or tampering traps – $100.00
8.70.8 – Unauthorized animals trapped – $100.00-200.00
8.70.9 – Improper Disposing of Carcasses – $100.00